Welcome to Jcruz and Sons Painting
J. Cruz and Sons Painting is committed to paying attention to all the details and your painting needs. We pride ourselves in taking care of your personal belongings and the surrounding areas. Such as covering hardwood and carpet floors, moving furniture if necessary, and carefully removing and replacing pictures from walls. We also like to help with the process of increasing your curb appeal by giving input from our history of working with color charts and color trends.
We are growing company and have great attitude, integrity, and show up on time. It is important for us to communicate and show up for free estimates in a timely manner after receiving a phone call. So, give us a call, no job too small.
Below are pictures of previous jobs from Simi Valley and surrounding cities. Here is a list of the jobs we take pride in performing for your needs.
Our Services
Exterior Painting
Staining or Re-staining
Installing and painting Baseboards
Kitchen Cabinet Painting
Drywall Repairs
Wallpaper Removal
Kitchen Painting
Painting Staircases
(spindles and Rails)